Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful Thoughts

There is SO much to be thankful for today...and always!!  I love seeing all the posts and facebook statuses to reflect our thankfulness this time of year.  It is a great reminder of all the wonderful aspects of our lives.

I am most thankful for a gracious and loving God.  One who is patient with me on my worst days and who continually guides me even when I don't always want to follow His direction. One who is always there - day and night - waiting and ready for me.  One who I truly don't deserve, but am eternally grateful that I have on my side.

I'm blessed with a wonderful and caring husband that also never gives up on me. Just as he stated in his vows to me a little over a year ago, he is there at 7am (the bad) and 7pm (the good).  He is the best part of my day...and I am so thankful to be his partner in life.

It is difficult not being able to spend this holiday with my family, but technology allows me to feel like I am sorta there.  I can't really fathom who I would be without being shaped by my parents and brothers throughout the years.  These people are my foundation.  I am beyond thankful for each of them and always find myself counting down until the next time we'll be together.  Fortunately, work has me close enough to see some of them later this weekend - thrilled beyond words about that!!

Friends - near and far - make my days brighter on a regular basis.  My closest of pals are mostly scattered all over, but that only makes me extra thankful for the few I have left nearby.  I'm excited for all the upcoming get togethers - book club holiday dinner and the annual cookie swap. And happy to use all my spare time to catch up via phone with others.  As I grow older, I am realizing just how important quality friends are in life.

In a year that saw me crossing my second marathon finish line, I am so thankful for my health.  I know there are areas I need to work on to continue to improve in this category, but I am so glad that I don't have any major concerns.  Health is something that we often take for granted.  You never quite realize how fortunate you are to have good health until a report comes back negative or an examine raises questions for further review.  Thankful God is there to hear our prayers when those times arise!

I could go on and on and on listing so many other things that I am thankful for like all of you, my freedom and responsibility as an American, creative outlets like photography and writing, the ability to read, having fresh water and food to eat each day, and the list goes on endlessly.  Instead of continuing here, I will be heading into our command center at work for the first football game of the day and then spending some time with Christopher's family in Long Island.  I have a Tricia Pie ready for both occasions!  Let the Thanksgiving fun begin....

Andrea :)

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